Wednesday, July 05, 2006

13 days and counting...

OK - no need for me to date the entries from here on in, since I've finished cut & pasting my postings now, and will be maintaining this blog as the record of my experiences. And I hope (oh, how I hope!) that this will be a very boring and uneventful blog. Some people's post-vasectomy experiences are too damned interesting, in all the wrong ways...

Not much to report. Still the occasional twinge, especially from the right testicle, but no longer associated with standing up or climbing stairs. And we're not talking severe twinges, just a brief "ouch!". One slight oddity is that the right-ball twinge is quite easily triggerable, if I touch/press very gently upwards on the lower end of the right testis. Seems like something there is healing more slowly than the rest. The scrotal stitches seem to be doing OK - the left incision is verging towards invisibility, apart from the stitches poking out; whilst the right incision still has a dried black scab about 3mm in diameter. As I remarked earlier, I think the right incision bled a little early on, and this is the last remaining sign of that. No inflammation, though, so things are progressing well.

As usual, more when there's more to report...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this blog, I'll check back occasionally to see how it goes.

Catbert said...

One of my right side stitches came out on day 4. The left are both intact on day 8. The remaining right side stitch is starting to come apart. But the healing is going very well. Lots of scar ointment for both sights had helped the healing. But on day 7 there was some bleeding from the right stitch.

Well worth it said...

its been two weeks today since i got my Vesctomy. I have heard a lot of horror stories and wondered if i made a mistake. The reality is, i only feel a dull pain like you. I believe it is normal and will go away in due time. I have been taking it easy for the entire two weeks and it feels pretty good. Thanks for the post!